Organizing Activities and Renumbering Activity IDs in P6

This lesson is essential learning in helping you to organize and order your project's Activities in P6. The key is understanding how to renumber your project's Activities IDs and, more importantly, how to do it quickly - not manually. I'll take you through P6's renumbering feature and then show you a quick trick that will save you time and make ordering activities a breeze.

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In this lesson we're going to cover a topic that if you don't know it, can be quite frustrating for new users or users of Primavera. I’m going to talk about activity ID numbering as well as sorting. What I'll show you is how to list the activities in your project in the order that you want them and it all has to do with activity ID numbering.

What will cover in this lesson is the three options that Primavera has for re-numbering activity IDs. I'll go through each option with you in detail and explain how and when to use it. Then at the end I'm going to show you a neat little trick that a lot of planners use in collaboration with the real numbering option so that you can reorganize things much quicker. I guarantee you after watching this tutorial, it will save you some time in organizing your project schedule so let's get started.

Now you have a look at our project here on screen, you can see that I have a bit of a strange number in here. I'm going up sometimes by 5, sometimes by 1, different numbering so I don't have a standard numbering and this often happens if I’m importing activity IDs from another system, from Excel, from Microsoft project or I've had to add extra activities in between the spaces along the way.

So I also see that these are not in order of execution either. For example, Mobilization to the site is down here at the bottom w...

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