Resolving Resource Over-allocations in Primavera P6

Learn 3 ways to resolve resource over-allocations in Primavera P6. You'll explore the pros and cons of each method and understand which methods are considered a best practice.

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Hello planners and schedulers! How do you get rid of those nasty resource over-allocations in Primavera P6? That’s what this lesson is about, resolving over-allocations. Now, this is a follow up to our previous lesson where we talked about how to find resource over-allocations and today, I’ve put up my beautiful face in the video.

And as you can see I’m sporting a lovely moustache to celebrate something called Movember which is meant to raise awareness for prostate cancer so that’s why I look this way. Let’s move on with the tutorial. In this lesson we’ll look at three different ways to resolve resource over-allocations and we’ll do a deep dive into each of those three ways to see if we can come up with a best practice or to for overall resolving these problems in your projects.

Today, we’re looking at the Railcar Maintenance Facility project on screen. I have in the bottom half of my screen displayed the same graph that we’re working with in the last lesson – the resource usage profile. And I’ve got a hand in clicked Electrical Installer to have a look at that resources graph. You can see I have quite a bit of red there. Now, let’s dive into what activities are responsible for the over-allocations.

So again, we’ll use the filters down at the bottom, checking on the Resource filter and just scrolling down a wee bit in my a...

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