Adding Non-Labor Resources in Primavera P6

Learn how to add Non-Labor Resources in Primavera P6 to your enterprise resource pool. This lesson will take you step-by-step through each key field that should be set up to add non-labor resources to your Primavera database.

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Hi, it’s Michael again. This lesson will take you through how to add non labor resources to your resource dictionary. Let’s get started. I got an Equipment section here built out in my resource dictionary.

And you could see how I have a few pieces of equipment there. What we want to do is add a Compactor to my resource dictionary. So the process is very similar to adding labor resources and you may have already seen the video on adding labor resources, and it’s not much different so let’s do it.

We’ll go ahead by adding a new resource. Now, this is going to be a Compactor. It’s great. I can leave these other fields alone on this tab. And on the Resource Codes tab, I probably don’t have any important codes that I need to enter for this as well, so we’ll leave it as it is. On the Details tab, notice that it’s a non labor resource already because it was added in to my Equipment pool here.

That’s a Non labor resource. You can always choose the currency that’s relevant and you can indicate that Non labor resources or piece of equipment its availability calendar. Now, this maybe a time where you want to use a Resource Calendar and you could create a resource calendar for piece of machinery that maybe represents their maintenance cycle.

So let’s say the Compactor every 2 weeks on Friday afternoon goes in for some mainte...

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