Overriding Resource Rates in Primavera P6

Occasionally, you may want to incorporate a special one-time cost or rate in your cost management plan. This lesson will teach you how to override Primavera P6's resource rates to incorporate those special circumstances.

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Hi, it’s Michael again. In this lesson we will talk about how we can override rate? There’s some features in P6 you want to be aware of and those features basically allow you to override the standard rates that are assigned resources as well as the budgeted cost that are calculated by units times rate. So let’s dive in.

The first thing you want to nice is that anywhere we have a budgeted cost we can actually edit that. We can edit the field and put in any value we like. I have changed it from 60 to a $100,000. Now that’s great and it seems like it stays there but just be aware that it’s not permanent if I do recalculate the assignment cost, it will be reverted. So how can I actually override the cost and make it stick.

Well, we are going to add a few columns to this view. We will simply right click on the column hitter to get this mini window, customize the columns and in the general area, we will go down and we will find two columns. The first one is called calculate cost from units. So add that in. The next one is called rate source. Go ahead and add those two in.

Let’s start with calculate cost from units. As you can see it’s simply a check box. So this check box ensures that the units times the price is how we calculate budgeted cost. But as you saw we could override that and if we want to be able to override it, and make it s...

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