Total Float and Project Deadlines

Learn about the value of Total Float when there is a project deadline in place. Total Float becomes a major indicator for whether you will deliver your project on schedule or not.

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Total float and project deadlines. This lesson will give you a thorough understanding of total float, how it is used as well as what happens with total float when I set a project deadline. Let's dive in. I want to start by going through a simple project example once more. This is going to be similar to what we did in the scheduling whiteboarding lesson.

I have a simple project with the durations inside the box and ‘finish to start’ relationships. What I'd like to do is it to go through a CPM scheduling round on this project and it's going to help us understand the total float concept. So let's get started by going through our forward pass calculations. The project starts on day one and once again we go through the simple calculations. If activity A is five days and it starts on day one, when does it finish?

Well, it finishes on day five. Activity B has a ‘finish to start’ relationship. It starts the next, day 6 and so forth. So we go through and calculate our early dates in the forward pass calculations. Completing that, we have an early finish of day 13 for activity E. To start our backwards pass, we take activity E’s last date and we move it up to the top. So we take that 13 up to the top. Now we can do our backwards pass calculations which are similar but in the reverse kind of direction.

So if activity E ends at the end of day 13 an...

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