Expense Costs in Primavera P6

Expense costs add a versatility to cost management in Primavera P6 that resource costs don't offer. Learn about using Expense Costs in Primavera P6 to cost-load your project.

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Hi welcome back to the course. In this lesson, we will start our discussion of the other type of cost in Primavera P6. That is not resource cost but we will call expense cost. Now to start I want to discuss a little bit about the differences between resource cost and expense cost. We talked about the really briefly at the onset of the course a little bit deeper right now.

Here we have two examples of typical costs on a construction project. On the left, we have construction or in this case deconstruction work and on the right we have some sort of transportation cost. Now let’s see if we can understand the differences and how we might cost these out in primavera. Now if you remember construction work is typically governed by these equations.

We have some sort of activity duration and our resources are going to work some sort of hours per day to give us a total number of workout for that activity. Then we multiply the work hours times the hourly rate to get a cost.

Now I have shown you some ways we can override that and do different things but in general these are the typical equations that govern costs for resource work in Primavera. In contrast, if we look at the transportation cost, it’s more of a fixed cost and what I mean by that is it’s not governed by the duration of the activity. So typically when we transport equipment from one sid...

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