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Creating a New Project by Copy and Pasting Data

In the previous lesson you were shown how to create a new project from scratch and a template, in this lesson you'll learn how to create a new project by copying and pasting data.

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Okay, so we've looked at creating one from scratch, we've looked at creating one from a template. What we're gonna do now is look at the options for copying and pasting. To do that, we need to click on the little cog to the left-hand side of the project. From there, we can select Copy. You'll notice now that there is a dotted line around that project, much like you see in other applications when you're copying fields. And, once you've copied that, you select where you want to copy it to.

So, I'm gonna select line of business three in this case, and select the cog and select Paste. Once you selected paste, you get the copy project options, and much like the template we looked at a moment ago, you get to decide which bits of information you copy across. This time I'm not gonna select notebook items or expenses.

Click Okay. Once we're done, we get this little message pop up saying copying projects or template has completed successfully. So, right, I'll click Okay and I can see it in here. You'll notice the project ID has changed and there's some very good reasons for that. Firstly, project ID has to be unique. So we started off with exercise 01, we then created 01-1 from our template, and when we took a copy and paste of that P6 automatically upped it to the next available number. So in this case, exercise 01-2.

Other options that we've got our impor...

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