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Duration Types in P6 EPPM

There's a lot of different options that you've got with duration type and when you change one element, another one will change. Understanding the principles of it is what's really key here and in this lesson will show you how to use duration types and how it can be used to make changes to activities.

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Before we get started in this lesson, go ahead and open the project shown here so you can follow along. So what we'll do with this project is take a look at some of the options we've got with the duration type and how it can be used to make changes to activities. So I'm gonna search for the excavator activity again, so I'll click the search icon and type in EXC. Okay, I'm gonna click on the activity and just drag the details tabs up.

What we'll do is assign a resource to this particular activity. So I'll click the assignments tab and click Assign Resource. We're gonna add the excavator. You'll notice that I haven't had to click the Save tab.

That's because this is one of the few places where it does automatically save for you. Okay, so currently we've got the duration type set to fixed duration and units. And what that's saying is we want to see the units per time change, the hours per day, when we make a change to the duration or the amount of effort we're gonna spend.

So at the moment, plan duration for this activity is 10 days, planned units per time is 100%. So that means that we're gonna get a total of 10 days worth of effort. Now, when I'm looking at resources, I prefer to see hours per day or days per day, and you change that by going into your user preferences. So let's do that now.

If I click up on my login name up in the ...

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