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Dynamic Minimum Lag: A New Relationship Type

Dr. Mubarak proposes a new relationship type (his own invention) around the concept of Dynamic Minimum Lag, that replaces the need to combine SS and FF relationships.

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Now, I'm going to introduce to you a new type of relationship that probably you won't find it in the current software, but hopefully, it will be implemented soon. This type of relationship, I have invented it and it's explained in details in my book and it's called "Dynamic Minimum Lag." What I found that this relationship, it's a single relationship that replaces the combination relationships that we talked about, the start to start plus finish to finish and it's better than them. The problem with the combination is that it focuses on one side, even though there is a lag. Let me give you an example.

If I have, let's go back to the example of clear and grub and excavate. If I have the clear and grub 10 days, for example. Here's the clear and grub, 10 days. And here is the excavation, let's say 8 days. And if I have it as 4 days lag, in this case we really don't mean 4 days in terms of time, but we mean we need 40%. Why did I say 40%? Because 4 out of 10 days is 40. 40% of the clear and grub to be completed in order for the excavation to start because we estimate that 40 % is enough for us to start in that piece of land.

The problem is, this is based on certain expected productivity that in 4 days, I will have 40% of that activity completed so I can start excavating. And what if in 4 days, 4 days passed and I didn't achieve 40%? I had problems. I only had 1...

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