Construction Project Management
Planning & Scheduling
Bar Charts
Building a CPM Schedule
Networks & Logic
CPM Scheduling
Logic Relationships & Precedence Networks
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How to do CPM Scheduling: a Walkthrough Example

See the whole CPM Schedule process in detail as Saleh walks you through a detailed example network, performing the calculations as you go. This is a good lesson to bookmark.

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All right. Now we're going to take the CPM calculation example. And I want you to really pay attention to this example because this is how we do the calculations. And you need really to understand the calculations in order to understand the concepts behind the calculations. So we're going to have this project and typically the activity will have the activity name and activity ID.

But here just for the sake of demonstration, I have activity ID A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and I have a column in the table that you see indicating the duration of each activity. And then I have the IPA and again, the IPA stands for immediately proceeding activity. As you see here, activity A starts the project, activities B and C have A as their predecessor, D comes after B, and E comes after B and C while F comes after C only. And finally, the network concludes with activity G with only one day of duration, and that activity G comes after D, E, and F.

All right. Now we're going to draw the network and I always draw it from the left to the right. So we have activity A and then activity B and C. And I want you always after you draw the network to compare what you see to the table and say, for example, E comes after B and C, is that true? Yes, E requires B and C. F requires only C and D requires only B. We want to check your logic and make sure that everything was okay. Now what we're go...

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