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Resource Administration in P6 EPPM

Here you'll learn all about resources: how to create them, the various options you have when it comes to the settings, units and process, how resource codes are link to the roles dictionary in P6 EPPM, and more.

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Hello again. In this lesson, we're gonna take a look at resource administration in P6 Web, the creation of those resources, all the different options that you've got around settings and units and process. We'll talk about resource codes and how they link to the role dictionary in P6 Web. So let's take a look at what we've got on screen.

In my resource dictionary here, if I open it up, we'll see that we have a hierarchical structure within that. In this particular example we've got subsections for projects, non-labor resources and material resources. So there's an indication there straight away that we've got different types of resources. I can see here the resource type on the right-hand side of labor, non-labor, material and we'll cover all of those.

So if I open up the project subsection and then go into labor let's see what we've got. So we've got a few resources in there. Tim Harris, bricklayer. We'll come back to that in a second. And some other ones as well. So firstly, the traditional type of resource that we've got, Tim Harris. So that's a named individual. Other resources we've got in here are not named but they are set up as labor resources. So we'll talk about why that is and why that's very commonly done as well. To create a resource, it's very straightforward. You can click on the little cog on the left-hand side and you can add sibling or ch...

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