Construction Project Management
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Step 1 – Breaking the Project into Activities

It's obvious we need to come with some activities for the project, but there is some science involved in how you break down a large project into it's component activities. Find out what that is.

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Hello. We're starting the first step and always the first step is the most important step into creating a schedule. And that first step is breaking down the project into activities. How many activities? Well, it's up to each individual. So, what is an activity? Let's define an activity as a basic unit of work as part of the total project that is easily measured and controlled. All right. It is called task in some books and some software packages.

It is time and resource consuming. This statement is important. Why is it important? Because a little later we're going to introduce something called lag. A lag is a period of time. So, it's like an activity but doesn't consume resources. It does consume time, no resources. You're waiting for something, you're not doing work, time is ticking. So, it is an activity. The lag is an activity, but we want to differentiate it from the activity that consumes resources.

However, there are guidelines into how big or small each activity. We need to have reasonable activity size. So, since we're using the day as a unit of time measure, don't make the activity as fractions of a day, like couple hours. Don't make it too long, like a month and a half or two months. Make it two days, three days, five days about that. Well, in the past three decades or four decades, things changed a lot in the technology side.

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