Construction Project Management
Planning & Scheduling
Bar Charts
Building a CPM Schedule
Networks & Logic
CPM Scheduling
Logic Relationships & Precedence Networks
Progress Updating

The Steps for Creating a CPM Schedule

Find out the sequence of 9 steps that go into creating a CPM schedule as Dr. Mubarak introduces and briefly explains how the entire process works.

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So what are the steps needed to implement a critical path method? We have just defined it, and we need to address the steps needed to create and implement a CPM schedule.

Those steps start with breaking down the project into activities. Those activities, and sometimes called tasks, make up the project itself. We're going to be talking, later on, on what are the criteria used to create those activities.

The second step is to determine the activities' durations. And in this activity, we talk about a lot of things that has to do with the estimate of the duration of each activity, and should we use hours or days or weeks as a unit of time.

The third one is to define the logical relationships, or we call them the interdependencies, among activities. What activity depends on what?

The fourth one is, draw the network and perform the CPM calculations. Now, in my seminars, many people say, "We're not going to draw the network by hand." So why did I say, "Draw the network?" And I keep that phrase, 'draw the network.' Well, I never allow somebody to go and enter that information into the computer without first performing a small example by hand. I think it's very important to draw. When you draw the network yourself, even though it's a small network, 10, 15 activities, that's fine, but at least you get the imagination of what project networks are...

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