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What is Free Float?

Everyone knows Total Float, but not as many understand the concept of Free Float. Let's get into it and see what Free Float is all about.

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Now, let's discuss free float. Free float is the maximum amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of the succeeding activity or activities. For example, in this little network that we can see, B preceded by E and F. We look at the early finish of B. B can finish as early as day 8, and it has two successors.

Let's imagine if we delayed B one day, so it will finish on day 9 instead of 8. Will it delay the early start of any of its successors? It's not gonna delay F because F won't start until the 12th waiting for something else. However, it will delay the early start of E, and you may argue, "Well, it's not delaying the project." Fine, but that's free float.

Free float, in my opinion, or in my definition, I call it the unselfish portion of the total float, the portion that if I use, it's not gonna impact the succeeding activities. And, you know, total float is actually is not an activity resident. It does not belong to the activity itself. Total float is shared float. It's like we're sitting in a room and we're breathing the same air or we're drinking the same water. If there is a jug of water and we have a line of people, we say that jug of water is for everyone. However, if the first person drinks the entire jug of water, there won't be water for the next one, and that's total float.

Now, for free float, you can ...

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