Construction Project Management
Planning & Scheduling
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Building a CPM Schedule
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CPM Scheduling
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What is Planning vs Scheduling

Planning is not Scheduling, although we use these terms interchangeably. Find out what the key differences are between Planning & Scheduling as they relate to Construction projects.

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Planning and scheduling are often thought of as synonymous. You know, I've seen people who call the, you know, project planning and they mean scheduling, and so on. But in my terminology, they're not the same. Scheduling is just part of the total planning effort. Planning, in fact, is the process of determining how a project will be undertaken, and it answers a lot of questions. What is going to be built? So the question is what? How? Why? Where? Who? How much? By whom? all these questions. And it also answers when, in general terms. What do I mean by that?

In a plan, it doesn't talk about details of the schedule. It just talks about starting point and finishing point. It says, "Well, in the plan, we are going to start the project in October of 2016, and the project should be completed by summer 2018." Well, that's very broad. Then scheduling takes that when, you know, that timeframe, and breaks it down into details, as we'll see in the slide here. This is the plan, and in the plan, there are two dates, start date and finish date. We take them to make a schedule, a detailed schedule, right?

Now, we talked about planning and scheduling. So, what is project scheduling? It's the determination of timing and sequence of operations in the project and their assembly to give the overall completion time for the project, all right? So, again, I underline two key wo...

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